Minggu, 07 Desember 2008

Dry Skin Acne Treatment - 12 Tips For Dry Skin With Acne

Some people believe that only people with oily skin get acne This isn't true. People with all skin types can get acne If you are looking for a dry skin acne treatment or tips for dry skin with acne then this article will really help. Here are 12 tips to help you manage your dry acne prone skin.
1. Try Tea Tree on acne Tea tree oil can kill acne causing bacteria and it usually does not cause any irritation. If you are wondering about Tea Tree oil cost, it is very inexpensive. You can purchase it for about $10.
2. Eat more fruits and vegetables. They are good for your skin and are rich in vitamins and minerals. This can help you maintain your complexion and can help prevent acne breakout.
3. Use Aloe Vera gel for acne It is a very good natural remedy for dry acne prone skin. It is very calming and contains lots of nutrients that are good for your skin. It also helps accelerate the healing process. Don't forget aloe vera for acne scars. Treat yourself to an aloe vera acne mask for 20 minutes!
4. Look for a moisturizer containing petrolatum and glycerin or Vitamin E.
5. Try Vitamin E for acne Attack dryness from the inside out by taking vitamin E supplements.
6. Wash your face with cool water and a Cetaphil dry skin cleanser. This is an over the counter cleanser that treats dryness from acne medications. If you are wondering where to buy Cetaphil, you can go to your local drugstore.
7. Avoid hot showers and baths to reduce the loss of your skin's natural oils and emollients.
8. Avoid soap to clear acne Soap is drying and irritates the skin.
9. Gently cleanse your face twice a day to get rid of dead skin cells that can cause blocked pores on your skin.
10. Use OTC Benzoyl Peroxide sparingly and always use a moisturizer afterwards. Remember, Benzoyl Peroxide products are very drying.
11. Wear sunscreen. Sunscreens for acne prone skin can also be purchased.
12. Drink plenty of water. Water clears acne and also hydrates. Keep the temperature down in the winter to control your humidity level and wear more clothes to keep warm. This will help you save money and will keep your skin from getting as dry.
These 12 tips for dry skin with acne are full of dry skin acne treatments that will help you control your acne and keep your skin healthy and hydrated.
By: Eileen Childs

Fight Against Acne

Acne is a common skin problem not only in the USA but in many parts of the world. For many, they resort to the use of medicines in order to get rid or even prevent acne. It has to be taken note of that there are natural and easy ways to get rid of such a skin problem. We would be pleased to share with you tips that would let you be acne-free.The following are the steps to take in order for you to keep your skin free from skin problems:
Water therapy
You could prevent acne by drinking at least 2 liters of water a day, this would keep you hydrated and let you overcome having too much clogged up pores. When you drink this amount of water, you could shed dead cells properly.• Healthy dietEating vegetable and fruits would not only keep you healthy over-all but it would let you have healthy skin specifically.
Natural for beauty
With so many beauty products, you would be tempted to try them with the hope that their promises to make you look great or keep your face smooth and healthy. Without you knowing it, they could harm your skin. They could even lead your skin to some disorders. Instead of using such chemical-based, you could try the natural things or products with natural components. One great example is soaps with tea tree oil.
Out!As shown by studies, there is a greater chance of having ACNE especially after puberty. This is a stage when hormonal changes are at their peak. The more you get stressed, the more your body would react to it. Relax, when you control stress, your body could produce more cortisol, which is helpful against acne or its agents.
Not much coffee
Caffeine is identified to cause more stress by producing stress hormones in the body. This is not healthy for your skin, stress would aggravate acne.Take these as reminders; you would surely be acne-free!
By: Andri Irawan

Acne Control - What Are The Four Myths And Misconceptions

Some have heard the advice that in order to get acne control, you should get a tan. Others have religiously avoided chocolate and any foods with even a hint of fat or oil in order to get over the symptoms of acne. Another common myth heard by adolescents or adults who suffer from acne is to avoid make up and don't shave. Finally, any people who have ever had the symptoms of acne have probably picked at or squeezed the pimples, zits or lesions. The contemporary thinking may be very different from previous generations about the causes and effects of acne and acne treatment.

4 Steps To An Overnight Acne Care Solution

Getting rid of Acne in the minimum possible time will be the top priority for anyone who has been afflicted with this problem. Though acne is neither a lethal ailment nor one with any prolonged effect leading to other complications, acne has its adverse cosmetic values. Apart from the irritation that is caused by acne, most acne care products use the cosmetic problem as a selling point. Here are some useful tips that can help you understand acne care in better light.
A clean face is among the fundamental necessities of proper acne care. The number of times you clean your face would depend on your type of work and exposure to the forces of nature. Those working in closed door conditions, with little or chance of perspiration may need it only twice a day, once in the morning and once before you go to bed. But, others whose occupation demands moving around, doing hard labor, plenty of exercise, or sportspersons, should cleanse their face more often and up to 4 or 5 times a day.
  • A stunning cleansing agent
Some people have found the simple tooth paste as an effective remedy in acne care. The results from this measure are claimed to be instantaneous and long lasting. It is not necessary to smear your face all over with tooth paste. Just apply it to the affected area and allow it to dry up over 15 to 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water (lukewarm rather) and retire to bed. Some burning sensation may be experienced initially, but it is just momentary and would vanish soon. In most cases, pronounced results can be seen the very next morning. The white tooth paste should be used and not the gel type. However, for skin that is very sensitive or in cases where the burning sensation persists, immediately wash off your face and consult a physician.
  • The metabolism is responsible
In most cases, the root cause of acne is accumulation of toxic waste inside the body. This can happen due to a number of causes and predominantly, poor personal hygiene and food habits are considered to lead the pack. Eating more of concentrated food, lesser intake of water, absence of green leafy vegetables, fruits etc. in the diet can prevent the normal cleansing function of the body and allow accumulation of toxic waste. Since this cannot remain inside the body for longer periods of time, it finds a vent in the form of acne.
  • Acne and women
The cause for acne in women gets a little more complex due to the hormonal changes occurring during menstrual cycles. Pregnancy related acne is also very common. Yet another factor making women more prone to acne is the use of a plethora of cosmetics. While cosmetics are indeed important for any woman, if acne has made it appearance, acne care would involve choosing the cosmetics with great care or avoiding them for some time can be beneficial.
By: Ingrid